Creating new solutions together
A&R Textil accompanies you throughout the entire development phase – and helps you find the ideal solution. Experience has shown: The sooner we are involved in the process, the faster and easier it is to find a solution. In this way, the extensive know-how of all parties involved goes into the development of your product – promoting creative solutions and ideally even new sales angles.
A&R Textil transfers technology and know-how
A&R Textil is an expert in product development, prototype production and manufacturing. Our longstanding experience from various industries has a positive effect on the development of each new product. We work according to the so-called cross-industry innovation method. This means: We transfer technologies and knowledge from the development and production from one product to the next and from industry to industry. We don’t shy away when things get complicated – and think beyond the limits of product groups and industries.
Your advantage? Cross-industry knowledge transfer. Thanks to the seamless communication with our textile technology engineers, you are in constant contact with competent help. You will be working closely with our development and product design departments. The common goal: A high-end product without compromise.