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A&R Textil’s locations From Neukirch to all over the world

A&R Textil is an industry supplier with a focus on technical textiles. There are approximately 600 employees working at our nine locations in six different countries. Product development and planning is based in Germany. Thanks to our production sites at our Locations in Poland, Bulgaria, Sri Lanka, China and Vietnam, we are able to offer competitive prices and outstanding quality.

Neukirch in Germany – Our headquarters

Our headquarters are located in the idyllic southern German city of Neukirch on the borders of Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Our headquarters are 15.5 miles from Lake Constance and benefit from an excellent infrastructure and the proximity to major cities such as Munich, Stuttgart and Zurich (CH). In addition to the administration, here you will also find our logistics centre, our development department as well as the production site for small batches.

Bulgaria – Our production site in the EU

Popovo (Bulgaria) is home to one of A&R Textile’s production sites in the European Union. The location is characterized by short logistics routes, flexibility and fast response times.


The second A&R Textil production facility in the European Union is located in Glogow in Lower Silesia (Poland). Short logistics routes, flexibility and fast response times are also the compelling arguments for manufacturing at this location.

SRI LANKA – Our Main production site

A&R Textil’s main production site is located in Yatiyanthota, Sri Lanka. The plant is managed by a German director and is not only comparable with our headquarters in Neukirch when it comes to manufacturing and IT infrastructure, but equal. Here we can guarantee the optimal transfer of samples to large batch production.


A&R Textil’s other subsidiary is located in Ningbo (China). This is where our joint venture production companies in Suzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing are supervised and managed. Skilled employees ensure the required quality and procurement on-site.

VIETNAM – Our Joint Venture Production company

Coordination, engineering services and quality control are provided by our subsidiary in Ningbo/China.

Location Germany

Our headquarters are located in the idyllic southern German city of Neukirch. Here you will find our logistics centre, our development department as well as the production site for small batches.

A&R Textilproduktion GmbH
Gewerbegebiet Bernried 3
88099 Neukirch / Germany

Location Bulgaria

A&R Textil opened another production facility in the European Union in Popovo (Bulgaria) in 2023. Short logistics routes, flexibility and fast response times are the major advantages of this production site.

A&R Manufactura Bulgaria EOOD
Dryanovska Nr. 45 A
7800 Popovo

Location Vietnam

Our cooperation partner in Vietnam. Coordination, engineering services and quality control are provided by A&R Headquarters.

Location Poland – Our production site in the EU

The A&R Textil production site for the European Union can be found in Glogow in Lower Silesia (Poland). This location distinguishes itself by short routes, flexibility and rapid response times.

A&R Manufactura Polska sp. z o.o.
Sikorskiego 60
67-200 Głogów

Location China

A&R Textil’s other subsidiary is located in Ningbo (China). Our joint venture production companies in Suzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing as well as our raw material purchasing are managed and supervised from here.

A&R Trading (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.
Tiantong North Road 939
CN-315192 Ningbo

Location Sri Lanka – Our production site

A&R Textil’s main production site is located in Yatiyanthota, Sri Lanka. The plant covers 15,000 square metres and is ideal for the transfer of samples to large batch production.

A&R Manufacturing (PVT) Ltd.
71700 Yatiyantota

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