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A&R builds a sewing school in Tanzania

Social responsibility Our current sewing school project

In Saitabau, a Massai village near Arusha/Tanzania, the approximately 5,000 inhabitants live from agriculture and livestock farming – and from hand to mouth. They try to somehow master the balancing act between their traditional, original and modern life.

Since August 2023, a breath of fresh air has been blowing into the village: the association Najali – ein Herz für Tansania e.V. is building a sewing school with donations from A&R Textil. The foundation walls of the future sewing school have been standing for a while – a building that was started and never finished due to lack of funds. From these masonry walls, a building is now being constructed in which two sewing teachers will teach ten students as soon as it is completed.

Already the construction of the sewing school is an enrichment for Saitabau and creates work and income for people in the village. The men work on the construction, the women fetch water for the construction from the river and earn some extra money.

The sewing students will be young, single mothers who often do not know today if and how they will be able to fill the plates for themselves and their children tomorrow. A training course lasts 18 months and ends with a final examination. After passing the exam, each graduate receives a sewing machine as a gift, which – together with the sewing knowledge she has learned – forms the basis for a secure livelihood for the small families. A huge opportunity for the single women!

Click here through the progress of the construction of the sewing school:

1 | 28Spring 2023: Village children from Saitabau in front of the future sewing school

2 | 28The walls have been standing for a while - thanks to A&R the building will now be finished and turned into a sewing school

3 | 28August 2023: The starting signal for further construction has been given! The roof beams are erected

4 | 28The foundation for the large sewing room is being built

5 | 28Kids from the village have fun at the construction site

6 | 28Building material is delivered

7 | 28...and unloaded

8 | 28Wall building

9 | 28More walls are built, later here will be the large sewing room where classes are held

10 | 28Visiting the construction site :-)

11 | 28September 2023: The progress of construction is clearly visible - part of the roof is already finished, more walls have been raised

12 | 28Village children as "onlookers" at the sewing school construction site

13 | 28Building material for filling the floor is unloaded

14 | 28Lively activity in the garden of the future sewing school

15 | 28The next roof is erected

16 | 28The countdown to the opening of the sewing school is on!

17 | 28Progress is being made: the roof is being covered!

18 | 28As of March 2024: this is what the building looks like now

19 | 28May 2024: African mills grind much slower than we are used to in Germany...

20 | 28but: progress is being made in small steps

21 | 28a young spectator

22 | 28The windows are installed

23 | 28The children from the village also find the construction site exciting!

24 | 28Autumn 2024: Interior work finally begins

25 | 28Najali e.V. has some hard-working helpers from Europe who spend a few weeks in Tanzania and volunteer their services.

26 | 28A young volunteer helps paint the walls

27 | 28Lush greenery around the sewing school

28 | 28A&R Textil - Supporting Partner

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